Saturday, May 17, 2008

i'm filled with a sense of disbelief and deja vu. the boy i grew up adoring to bits, who my mum adored to bits too, and (don't laugh) i used to think i wanted to marry (being 6 years old and all) HAHAHA. is now the epitome of a party-mad havoc badboy. AND very good friends with a (ahem) friend of mine, who i would like to erase from my memory. she now speaks with an incredibly fake american accent, still in those skirts that when she bends over flashes e arse to e whole canteen (ahahaha you should be able to guess who by now).
oh my god 0_o this is bloody creepy. seriously. i don't ever ever ever want to see any of e shit that goes down -.- i would like to keep my angelic wholesome and wonderful memories of our childhood together. seeing him like this would just shatter everything. gah
hmms. its slightly comforting to still see my pri 4 bestfriends still being bestfriends. with the one exception i don't really talk to them anymore -.- erh well. let's see who i still keep in contact with from pri sch. haha. there's yee ler at least. elsie & peishan are in london. nicole's in lse. dennet? AMY :D MINSHIN! haha. joytoy. you sort of count just. david's in london too. hahaha. ok this is getting spastic. i'm just trying to avoid studying. GAHHHHHHHHHH.
i'm hoping that e seemingly good luck i have when i go into anything with a fuck-care attitude will appear this time too. the last time it did was A div tramp comp :p AHAHAHA. that one i win. 2 weeks of training (;


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